Program Review
Overview of Process
The review of a program is based on two overarching processes: the program’s self study report and academic assessment annual questionnaire. The Illinois Board of Education (IBHE) requires a program review every eight years. The steps in the program review are:
- Programs begin the preparation of the self study report in the spring semester prior to the academic year of the review. Once completed, the self study report is submitted to the academic dean and the APAP office.
- The APAP office solicits nominations for internal reviewers from the program. These reviewers are vetted and approved through the APAP office, the Faculty Senate (undergraduate programs) and the Graduate Council (graduate programs). Once the selection of the reviewers is finalized, the program provides the reviewers with the self study.
- The department chair or school director coordinates meetings with the internal reviewers and appropriate constituency groups (faculty, students, advisory board, etc.) and the APAP.
- After the review is complete, the reviewers will prepare a report, which is submitted to the APAP office. The APAP office will forward the report to the academic dean. The Dean will prepare a response to the report in consultation with the program chair or director. The Dean’s response should focus on the key reporting points required by the IBHE (see Dean’s Resources). The response will be submitted to the Provost and APAP.
- The outcome of all the reviews is compiled as part of the Program Quality Assurance Report submitted annually to the Office of the President. A compiled report of the system is submitted by the Office of the President to the Board of Trustees and IBHE.
Self Study
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) require institutions to maintain a practice of regular program review including reporting on program level assessment and continuous improvement. In order to meet this requirement, programs at SIUC submit a self study report every eight years.
The self-study should consist of the following sections:
- Program Overview/Goals
- Program Learning Objectives
- Program Feedback
- Assessment Plan
- Curriculum and Program Changes Since Last Review
- Program Continuous Improvement Plan
- Faculty
- Faculty Workload Summary
- Facilities
- Appendices
- Faculty CVs
- Previous Program Review Report
- Surveys/Feedback
- Academic Assessment Annual Questionnaires
For accredited programs, the following reports should be submitted to the APAP (
- An electronic copy of the draft self-study report (or similar document) one month prior to the date of submission to the accrediting body; include a draft letter of support if it is required from the Chancellor or Provost
- An electronic copy of the final self-study report and any revisions submitted to the accrediting body
- Include the APAP office on all correspondence with and from your accreditation body
Accredited programs do not need to submit a SIUC assessment plan or SIUC self-study report, since this is an integral part of a program’s report to the accreditation body. However, the academic assessment annual questionnaire is required, since it provides a record of annual activities in assessment and continuous improvement. It also keeps programs on track, while documenting the activities required in a program’s final self-study report.
Click here to download the SIUC Self Study template
Academic Assessment Annual Questionnaire
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) require institutions to maintain a practice of regular program review including reporting on program level assessment and continuous improvement. In order to meet this requirement, programs at SIU submit an academic assessment annual questionnaire.
The academic assessment annual questionnaire documents a program’s assessment activities, process, and results. A template is used so the institution has a common format. The components are:
Program Learning Objectives - Document the primary assessment and data collection tools to evaluate achievement of objectives.
Assessment Planning - List curriculum or program changes resulting from the evaluation of assessment and data collection tools.
Curriculum or Program Changes - List curriculum or program changes resulting from your assessment.
Assessment Reflection – Discuss how program or curriculum changes impacted students’ mastery of learning objectives.
The SIUC academic assessment annual questionnaire is required of all programs since it provides a record of annual activities in assessment and continuous improvement, as required by HLC. It also keeps programs on track, while documenting the activities required in a program’s final self-study report.
Click here to download the SIUC Annual Assessment Report template
Program Resources
The following documents are essential for the review of programs:
- Self Study
- Academic Assessment Annual Questionnaire
- Draft Itinerary for Review (Internal Reviewers)
- Suggested Guidelines for Faculty CV (short form)
General Timeline
- Academic Assessment Annual Questionnaire – Annual (Due Oct. 15)
- Submission of Self-Study and Program Review- Every eight years (due Aug. 15)
The department chair or school director of the program is responsible for submitting the self study to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs (APAP), the College Dean, and the reviewers.
The Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs will contact programs to request nominations of internal reviewers prior to the program review. According to the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/), units must avoid nominating reviewers with potential bias or conflicts of interest with the program or its faculty. Current or former collaborators, colleagues, mentors, and students, faculty and staff of unit are inappropriate, as are past reviewers of the unit. If you have any questions about possible conflicts of interest, contact the APAP (453-7653).
At a minimum, all reviewers should have a copy of the Self Study report a month prior to the review.
Chairs and School Directors should contact the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs to schedule and coordinate the review.
Reviewer Resources
Meeting with Administrators
The following PowerPoint provides examples of questions commonly used during reviewer meetings with Campus Administrators:
Sample Reviewer Questions Powerpoint
The Report
The final report is an important document for a program under review and should include the following elements:
- Program Overview
- Program Assessment
- Classrooms, Facilities, and Laboratories
- Actions Taken Since Last Review
- Online/Off-Campus Programs (if applicable)
- Leadership and Institutional Support
- Recommendations
The following templates will assist reviewers in preparing their report:
Reviewer Report for Centers and Institutes Template
The final report should be submitted electronically to the APAP office, within one month after the review.
The Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs is here to answer questions and to provide the resources needed to conduct the review. Our contact information is:
Telephone: 618-453-7653
Dean Resources
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) require institutions to maintain a practice of regular program review. At SIUC, our program reviews are on an eight year cycle. An important part of this review involves the Dean of the College.
The Dean should receive a copy of the Self-Study report prior to the review. The Dean is involved in meetings with the reviewers and attends the final meeting where the reviewers present their initial findings.
After the reviewer’s complete their meetings with program stakeholders, they have one month to submit a report. The APAP office will review it for completeness. Once approved, it is forwarded to the Dean. Deans are required to submit a program review report for each program reviewed during the academic year to the APAP Office ( Deans are encouraged to complete this last report within one month of receiving the report from the reviewers.